fascism and its hatred of curiosity

december 27, 2024

man. i gotta find some happier shit to talk about on here.

this morning, like many others, my parents had the news on. the today show. usual stuff. there's a segment where the anchors all sit together and talk about recent trends, and one of today's was something they called "speed watching". people watching shows at a higher speed than they were aired at, to. i guess. watch more in less time? i can't describe to you how disgusted it made me feel. and then it got me thinking about how little regard most people in general seem to have for artistic integrity or intent. i had to explain to my dad (who refused to listen) the other day just why i hate apple's emoji ai generator the other day. which brings me to why i'm writing this:

it's a known fact that fascism hates art.

but typically, when people think about this, it evokes images of burning books, ransacked museums, brave individuals tasked with safeguarding precious works of art. but now, art has evolved. how we create it has evolved. how we interact with it has evolved. it's surreal to see in real time as the general public becomes uncurious. anti-intellectual, anti-art, anti-science, anti... anything that encourages a curious mind. i never imagined that i'd see the rise-- or i suppose re-rise of fascism in my lifetime. as a kid, fascists are just some imaginary boogeyman: the bad guys in movies, the thing you call someone that loses you the argument, the people you learn about in history that the books say the good guys beat. but... the cycle has begun anew, and many are too blind to see it.

i feel like as an artist i'm kind of hyper-aware of this general disdain of art from the current powers that be, but surely it's not that subtle to others, right? i don't know why i'm writing this really, other than to just have somewhere to put my thoughts that isn't just ranting and ranting at my friends and family. i'm tired. i'm scared. i'm angry. i know this too shall pass, but holy fuck dude.